Monday, December 6, 2010

My "iTunes waste of money list" 2010

Nothing is worse than spending $9.99 for an entire album on iTunes, listening to it, then realizing you just made a HUGE mistake. This happens more than it should... you hear a few songs from a band, and think "Hey, I'll buy the whole album. Surely all the songs are good." It's so easy to spend money on iTunes. With 1 click, you've just spent 3 beers worth of money and didn't even have to sign a receipt. Wasting $10 on an entire album that sucks, sucks.

So, rather than start my year end reviews with my "Top 2010 list", I've decided to come up with my "iTunes Waste of Money List" first. Don't get me wrong, the list below is not bashing the bands nor discrediting their muscial abilities... I obvisiously liked them enough to buy the album. This list merely represents the albums I should have thought twice about and only bought the songs I KNEW were good.

Here is it... K-Spots "iTunes Waste of Money 2010 List":
1. Bear in Heaven "Beast Rest Forth Mouth"- Alright, alright. I know it's a somewhat good album, but total waste of iTunes funds. I think I bought this after seeing them at SXSW this year because I was on a high from seeing them. Don't get me wrong, they were great live... but I just don't REALLY like this album enough to burn to a cd and listen in my car OR suggestion to someone. I tried real hard to get into this album, but just never did.
2. Broken Bells "Broken Bells"- completely dissappointed. I DO like about 4 songs on the album, they are pretty catchy BUT there is no really consistency in their sound and quite frankly I could do without it. By the time SXSW came this year, I was already over them and had no desire to see them. I almost want to delete it completely from my library, but just can't do it.
3. The Dead Weather "Horehound"- Not enough rock for me. I expected WAY more from a Jack White/The Kills side project. Huge bummer.
4. Fang Island "Fang Island"- Pitchfork gave them a great write up and rating so I was very hopeful that this album would be good, but I don't really get it. Fang Island is more of an instrumental band, but this album sounds more pro-rock than anything. There is only 1 good track: Absolute Place, which is a Yeasayer Remix.
5. Chromatics "In the City"- So I heard a few songs from them on blog radio, and thought this would be another group to add on my "Dance Party in my Head" list.... saddly, this album didn't hold up to it. A few songs are totally worth downloading, but not the whole album. Actually, now that I think about it... after listening to the album a few times, it got a little annoying. The beats are all the same in every song, except 1 which is weirdly enough a super slow ballad. Oh well.
6. Diamond Rings "Special Affections"- I just can't seem to like the guy's voice. I try. But there's just something that turns me off about his voice. I can't seem to get past it and focus on the music. Sorry DR.
7. and by far the biggest mistake... Broken Social Scene "Forgiveness Rock Record"- I'm not even sure I can really talk about how disappointed I am in this album. I know it did make a few "best new music" lists, but it sucks. NOTHING at all like what I was expecting. Terrible.

I could go on, but to be true to the title of this list, these are all the albums I purchased that I wish I wouldn't have. Feel free to add... if there is anyone out there reading this lame blog.

More to come on year end lists!

K-Spot out... and not downloading anything else this year!


  1. OMG, i love this list, 3 beers worth of money, hahahah! i agree with the bear in heaven.. Way better live...but i can't toast to the diamond rings, special place for him...his voice i kinda adore. and #7, tell it like it is sister! those fuckies have way more talent than a suckster record. fave blog yet. xo

  2. I think there's only one good song on the Titus Andronicus album, the first.

    Would like the other $9 back.

    -Chris (bestblips)
